C&G General English – Level 1
At this level a learner should be able to discuss general topics, express opinions including facts & ideas and maintain conversation in everyday situations.
It will enable candidates to develop skills across the following components:
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Speaking and Listening
Candidates will receive 80 hours of face to face learning in order to work towards the following aims and objectives:
– Using all common phrases of politeness fluently
– Using classroom language politely & fluently
– Asking for & giving information politely & appropriately: personal details, transport, accommodation, restaurants, entertainment
– Describing, comparing, contrasting: people, objects, houses, towns, cities, countries
– Giving opinions with reasons. Agree & disagree appropriately & with reasons
– Discussing general matters of interest simply with reasons; music, fashion, food, etc
– Saying where things are. Prepositions of location, direction inside & out
– Talking about changed plans
– Talking about future plans & possibilities
– Talking about probabilities, past probabilities
– Talking about unlikely conditions
– Reporting what has been said
– Narrating or telling anecdotes
– Expressing wishes & regrets
Assessment at this level consists of three testable elements covering listening comprehension
test, reading test and writing tests.
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